your phone is a super computer, using it to watch and scroll is repeating the past in a small minded way, like projecting a newspaper onto a roll of toilet paper - stop pulling on the roll to see the next square. get off the toilet. read a book and instead use the phone to manipulate basic molecular shapes. it’s a mobile test tube. play with light. do some burnings. if you are especially curious about yourself start screen recording everything, play it back 4x speed. edit that! It’s all *light* baby!! get acquainted with the unconscious + make sure you keep doing your laundry
Jan 23, 2024

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For example, if you play games(crosswords?) on your phone u could buy a cheap crossword book. Also imo not all screens are bad- like i'm assuming u are using a screen to access maybe think of them like that; watching a peice of art(film/tv) done thru screen?screens can be an access to the beauty of the world so dwindle ur use to that and not doomscrolling. maybe go a bit more analog try dvds cds, perhaps interacting differently with tech is ur breakthrough. moreso, books thinking and going on walks and ANY sport (i reccomend badminton(not tennis)) cycling and going to the library. and trust it will all come to together, soon.
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if you’re in the office 4HL you probably have regular access to a colour laser printer and a comb binder. take an hour to rummage in the copy room, go off-screen and make any book you want on company dime. print full colour copies of medieval treatise. learning the process is fun, also rite-like. I presented Breathing: Chaos and Poetry by Franco Berardi to my boyfriend (his request) who pointed out the pages opened back to front
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it’s a looping machine and DAW, incredible app. I found a bunch of hacked ariana grande studio vocal takes on the Russian facebook ВКонтакте another great app - (you can find anything). while fleshing out the melody for a song Ariana sings only tones and vowels- no lyrics. great for looping divine harmonic gregorian chants
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