I’m not recommending it per say (although the cookies are really good obviously im just assuming everyone knows about it already) I just want to tell this story of what may be the funniest thing I’ve ever overheard in public: I was taking the train into the city from Jersey and these four Rutgers frat guy freshmen were sitting in front of me. After they finished talking about all of the “NYU, FIT, and Parsons” girls that were going to be at the party they were attending that night (no mention of cooper union, LOL, or any CUNY (classist)) one of them said “you guys, we have to go to this place it’s called levain bakery” and he kept bringing it up throughout the train ride. His friends made fun of him for “jerking off with his girl on FaceTime” and immediately after he said “bro go onto instagram type l-e-v-a-i-n.” He wanted levain bakery SO BAD. It was extremely funny. At the end of the trip they realized they got into NYC too late for levain bakery. I felt kind of bad for them.