in early 2022, i had somewhat of a menty b and abandoned my tumblr, which i used for like 12 years. watching tumblr go from toxic to wholesome and self-aware** and then back to toxic over the years made my eye twitch. "not this shit again." so i stopped doomscrolling and i stopped posting on social media, save for a few very rare and random occasions. my instagram became an instrument solely for the purpose of sending my partner memes and saving craft project ideas.
2022, 2023, and now 2024 have passed. my life did not get easier, especially this past year when i lost a friend to cancer, had my job nuked by my state government, and everything else that made 2024 in america particularly trash. i also exist in a marginalized body so there's no real way of escaping constant news of doom. my aversion to living any aspect of my life with an online audience of strangers only grew. seeing people i once knew become addicted to shame because the internet rewards it was particularly disheartening. watching those people become indoctrinated in real time made me feel really hopeless.
so as much as i hate the idea of self-surveilling, i had to admit to myself that i have a lot to give, a lot to share. from all the reading i've done on the human condition in the past 3 years, it seems the only way to combat hopelessness is to share meaning with others. i'm still mostly going to do that offline, but i was happy to find that a platform such as exists because i hate algorithms and people sharing what they like with others is so human.
my corn mittens post getting so much love (tysm btw) made me feel very human, but also kind of sick from all the dopamine hitting my underprepared brain. overall, a great experience posting anything for the first time in years.
**in terms of tumblr, i mean. i realize this is not everyone's experience.