Taking care of yourself can feel hideously step-by-step now… scientific and ingredient-laden. Brushing your hair still feels whimsical and wild! It’s genuinely a therapeutic process for me, I think because I have a lot of hair and untangling it sometimes requires brute force and since there is a clear before and after to behold, it always makes me feel better if I’m feeling low. There’s a lot of propaganda around messy hair (Chloe S., French women), but life is about getting to know yourself. So if you’re feeling burnt out on cold little serums and vials of goo (all love though) or are tired of letting the rats' nests rule, try brushing your hair more. Caveat that you need to find the hair brush that works for you—doesn’t have to be made of boar bristles and mother of pearl,I like the OG brush from Olivia Garden over at Ulta.