Wear clothes that fit and drape well on your shape. Replace sloppy looking or worn out staple pieces with things that look a little more intentional and serious but are still comfortable and feel true to you (ex: instead of sweatpants wear pull-on cigarette pants). Wear fewer accessories and let the simplicity shine through. A nice signature scent might help.
Keep your skin clean, moisturized, and exfoliated (try peel pads like the ones from First Aid Beauty or Nip/Fab). Wear sunscreen or whatever 🙄 If you wear makeup, do a tinted moisturizer, use an angled brush to fill in your brows with cool-toned shadow for some light definition, curl your lashes, wear mascara, wear a flattering shade of red lipstick and pat that lipstick onto your cheeks as blush—maybe do a shimmery pale or a smoky brown shadow tapped onto the lid with your fingertips (cream shadow is great for this) + some pencil eyeliner at the roots of the lashes and on your upper waterline.
Keep your hair looking as clean as you possibly can. If you’re using dry shampoo, do it preemptively before you go to sleep to absorb oil rather than in the morning when you wake up—spray it all along your roots and massage it into the hair in the morning. I actually do not brush my hair because it stretches it out and makes it lose its shape; I put it up in a bonnet when I go to sleep to keep it from getting tangled but still looking tousled, textured, and voluminous at the roots. I do comb through it with my fingers and I use a wet brush before I shower, as I rinse, and when I condition. My wash routine lately has been Trader Joe’s cleansing conditioner then Giovanni 2chic ultra moist shampoo!
Learn to style your hair with a round brush (I know this is a really tough one but it makes a big difference)!!!! I really enjoy the hot styling brush tools but they’re apparently damaging to the hair because they have no heat settings and they put a lot of tension and friction on the hair. If you have a few hundred to drop though I’ve heard great things about the Shark FlexFusion and FlexStyle. But whatever you do… use a heat protectant.
I style my hair if I have somewhere important to go but otherwise I do air dry— I put it up in a cotton T-shirt to soak up most of the water—and I use an air drying crème while it’s still damp. I think having a good hairstylist is also really important and will take you a long way. My relationship with mine is probably one of the most precious things in my life and I’ve been going to him for about three years now.
I’m honestly never going to look put together like other people seem to naturally be able to do and I’m always going to remain feral on some level but this is what works for me! My version of doing the bare minimum 🫶