i randomly remembered that this exists and how it had teen me floored and in shambles. i love its intensity and how the energy just keeps picking up, like once you start getting into the flow it swings at you then doesn't give you a chance to breathe.
Jan 30, 2024

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when i gotta remind myself who i am and the superpowers i possess... this track is very angela bassett blowing up the car scene in What's Love Got to Do with It  but in a more sultry and effortless way
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perfect for casually communicating how mentally unwell you’re feeling (“starting to realize this cycle of anger, despair, then shrugging it off for the sake of performing normalcy, and repeat may not be the healthiest 🤸‍♀️”), perfect for sarcasm (“gee i wonder 🤸‍♀️ why 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ that is”), and perfect for sincerity (“so random but so normal, i do wanna say ~for the record~ that i do appreciate you wanting me to be here. in life. with you. and other such things 🤸‍♀️”). it’s equal parts charming, unserious, and athletically impressive.
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