my favorite genre of podcast is two professors talking about their areas of expertise. lingthusiasm and overthink come to mind. i’ve formed deeply parasocial relationships with these people.
Jan 31, 2024

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good or bad. the less I personally know the people the better, but we have to have enough mutual friends that the odds are high that they’ll mention one of them and I’ll clap like a seal. it feels like eavesdropping and is my sick perverse secret habit. mama let’s research
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shoutout: what’s up everyone around the world!! i am so hyper fixated and obsessed with this podcast. all other podcasts are dead to me. it’s so smart, so funny, so enjoyable and i CANT GET ENOUGH woo!
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if you think you’re the smartest person in your friend group you’re weird and annoying. the best friendships come out of mutual awe and respectability. be friends with people who make you want to know more things.
Jan 29, 2024
i will never be in a situationship in the same way i will never be in the land of oz--it's just not real. i think using the word doesn't let you self-reflect in a way that is truly helpful. i was telling my friend about the awkwardness of seeing an exhook up in a relationship bc i thought we had mutual feelings and she said "oh your exsituationship" and i thought (for the first time) no, we had clear boundaries i just got my hopes up. my point is that instead of using situationship as a catch-all for not quite dating or wtv failed prospect, take it as a moment to reflect on what exactly went wrong. idk if this is profound or not
Jan 30, 2025
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i’m averaging 14,000 steps a day for the past year, why? i walk everywhere. at one point i was averaging 16,000 (this is my flex). you get to explore a city and now when people ask me for directions i can actually tell them bc i’ve gotten really good at knowing where i am. if it takes less than an hour for me to walk from a to b, i will walk. if i have enough time i’ll walk 2+ hours just to see someone. just put on a good playlist/pod and go go go!!
Jan 29, 2024