if you are someone who also recently read something about how many bowel movements they should be having to be "healthy" and got concerned then this is a hack for you. or at least for my body it is working, i'm pretty sure one a day is good enough so i feel relieved now. in more ways than one! ba-dum tss 😜 - also lets you feel the sun and makes me hopeful about myself, lets me reconsider the shadows from the night prior
Jan 31, 2024

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i used to feel guilty for taking long walks in the morning bc i always felt like i placed my value in my output, & walking wasn’t something i considered “productive” :/// when i finally gave myself permission to let whatever i felt called to do be productive, the flow of creative ideas, mental soundness & nervous system regulation i felt was overwhelming. in a good way. the sun, the fresh air, the forward movement of my body, the people watching… everything fed the positive energy i seemingly kept for the rest of my day. walking is productive. so is being in the sun. so is doing nothing sometimes. i need that reminder sometimes so this post is for me too :’)
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Taking a 10 minute walk in the morning right after waking up is uncomfortable but completely changes my day! Try it! i feel like it makes my Adhd better and me more productive but also happy because I enjoy the sun in the morning. Listening to feel good song find a spot in the sun close your eyes and feel your body warm up. Very stone age just woke up leaving the cave now vibes.
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