Health is wealth
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Feb 2, 2024

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earnest endorsement that may seem simple or lame but is actually lowkey powerful…when you rely on the internet or worse, “”medical professionals”” for information, you lose context, clarity, personalization, and possibly become a victim of profit. my friends have more quickly and meaningfully identified ailments (and treatments) than WebMd ever could. they’re the best sounding board to walk you back from the proverbial ledge if you’re prone to suggestion and watched a TikTok that convinced you that you have to start taking L-Glutamine or whatever
Jan 23, 2024
Please refrain from WebMD or, god forbid, some AI agent. Do your little google and look for result from Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins, etc. Any medical university or national health department (maybe) should do. You'll find the information you are looking for with the proper context.
Feb 18, 2025
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about 9/10 people are not educated on their health or what medical help they can access and how to access it. This affects overall public health as people are less likely to seek help at an earlier stage leading to more complex issues, more likely to not get vaccines or procedures due to misinformation, and more likely to make unhealthy choices overall. Improving public health and alleviating pressure on health services starts with education. There’s a really great analogy of saving people in a river. It’s great to pull them out when they’re drowning but it’s even better to look upstream and fix the bridge they keep falling off of. Of course it’s something the govt should invest in - educating people what symptoms to look for, what they can manage at home, and what services they can access apart from A&E and 999. But it also starts with you! like instead of panicking about a small injury and running into A&E, call 111 or walk into an urgent care! Or if you’ve got a sore throat or UTI go to a pharmacy! I know it’s yet another thing to be literate about but it’s something that really benefits not just you but also the health system and others around you (: **disclaimer: I’m UK based but this applies to anywhere
Jan 28, 2025

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