so meta will now train AI on your posts. As someone who creates art and not just “content” it looks like I’ll be taking down my posts or just deleting all together
Feb 2, 2024

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I decided to shift to using my main instagram account to exclusively browse and engage with other music related accounts. So I made a second private finsta and I’ve just been sending anything in my feed that isn’t music there and unfollowing from the music account. Meanwhile on the new account, I’m telling every single reel it shows me whether it interests me or not. Already, I’m seeing less celebrity worship or cosmetic surgery content or clickbaity stuff etc etc that I otherwise might have just mindlessly engaged with despite not caring about and not wanting to see more of. I feel weirdly empowered for the first time ever to shape my social media experience rather than simply attempt to avoid altogether this thing that makes me feel like my brain is rotting. And another upside is that my music account seems to be getting more engagement from accounts that don’t already follow me on the music related content that I post. Wish I’d done this a long time ago, I feel like it’s what a lot of artists already were doing but I stubbornly wanted to keep everything in one place for so long. I don’t think I’ll post to the other one at all I just want to be able to look at like memes and recipes and visual art without confusing the algorithm of what’s intended to be a professional account . I’ll prolly still steal and then post said memes on the ”professional” account tho because that’s just the kind of professionalism I exhibit in my important work as a DIY musician.
Dec 30, 2024
recommendation image
I haven’t been on Twitter for years and hardly touch FB, but I had been an active user on Instagram since 2012. I really like taking and sharing photos, and that had always been a fun place to do it. No more. With the changes the content moderation changes they’re making, leaving LGBTQ+ folks vulnerable to be targeted; their rolling back of DEI programs; their willing participation in far-right rhetoric and politics; it’s all too much and I’m out. As if Meta’s platform hadn’t already been increasingly enshittified, this was the final straw to announce how much worse it will get. And you know what? It feels freeing. Better to leave it behind and find new platforms to connect with people.
Jan 22, 2025
no more archive posts… no more second guessing how your smile looks in a picture … no more spending an hour critiquing a picture to post on your story (obviously yes still choose an uber-specific 15 seconds of music for your story aimed at one singular person, duh)
Feb 17, 2025

Top Recs from @catbearpictures

im in the same boat. I have a toddler son with another baby coming any day now. While I don’t own a business I do work my 40 hours, cook, clean (because my very pregnant wife doesn’t need to do that after watching our toddler all day) then I try to find time to study for classes to move up in my current job. …….. but damn do I love photography. What really gave me motivation was to work on a series of pieces that relate to each other and have more of a message. Since I shoot film, there’s costs to that as well as props, backgrounds, etc, so it’s taken me a bit of time. But while I wait, I keep a “photo idea” note on my phone and write down new shoots to look forward to. It’s tough to do it all though, I feel ya.
Jan 31, 2024