This is a key rec for any context in which you need to burn a few hours by yourself, especially at a bar, coffee shop, restaurant, etc. where you dont just want to be staring into space. Bring a bunch of postcards or stationery and stamps to the bar, camp out at the best people-watching table in the corner, order a little drinky, and write out some postcards about your day to your friends. (pro tip: you probably have their addresses saved in Google maps) This is one of my favorite things to do when traveling alone...kill several birds with one stone by 1) sending sweet little trip updates to the besties back home 💌 2) burning a few hours when you don’t know what to do with yourself 🕰️ 3) looking busy while enjoying a bev in a nice place 🍸 4) getting off that damn phone for a bit 📴
Feb 5, 2024

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writing sincere postcards to your friends when you're away, telling them that you care for them, reassuring them, or just telling them about your trip. even better when it's with your favourite pen or ink and you pick out a postcard that you know will resonate with people. you never know when the postcard is going to arrive and when someone's day will be brightened
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get fun postcards when traveling, they're usually in bookshops. write a bunch of inside jokes and stuff for your friends. once you start doing it everyone sends them to you when they travel its so fun
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not to be indelicate but… they’re nice ! why get rid of tthem ?? let Them stay!!!
Feb 26, 2024
dont treat your shit like it’s disposable! . My laptop is old as hell and doesn’t work unless it’s plugged into a wall, but you know what I am proud that I cared for it like the finely arranged clump of precious metals and plastics that it is instead of like something I have to upgrade because there’s been 10 new versions in the last 8 years I’ve had it. In fact it makes me a fucking saint. I also always hang dry my undies so they don’t stretch out and get holes in them from heat damage. Things will last if you invest just a modicum of care into them..additionally it feels really nice to be able to point to a hideous Victoria’s Secret thong on the drying rack and say “I’ve had that for 14 years”. Also probably in 2 more years gen alpha kids will point to my laptop and call it “vintage”, so that’s something to look forward to. Ok Rec over
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