I say yes to projects (mostly for money) that I think I can do or want to do only to discover after 6 weeks that it is actually the last thing on earth I want to do so I quiet-quit and just wait until it is painfully obvious that I will not be doing the thing that I myself elected to try to do you learn a lot about yourself and lowkey burning a bridge feels fucking great. it makes the world feel a little smaller and more cozy 😌 also you usually still get a little money
Feb 6, 2024

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like a job or a project that just isn’t working or even like quitting an approach or belief you once held. at first it feels bad but then 5 seconds into the quitting you’re like oh god, yes YES
Mar 26, 2024
I suddenly woke up within the past week or so and realized I can’t keep letting my life suffocate me (not to sound dark but it is what it is, in a lot of aspects). My brain is trying for the second time to push me into getting fired from a miserable side gig I have by avoiding and procrastinating and making careless mistakes because my heart is just not in it and really, it never was… last time this happened it was my only source of income and there was a great yawning abyss beneath me but luckily now I do have a job that I enjoy and is not stressful where I’m treated with respect and I get to do a lot of things. All of that is to say that I just turned a project in literally like 30 seconds before it was due (LOL) and I realized I can’t keep doing this to myself so I’ve decided to quit and hope that this opens up space for me to find something better 🙏
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left a fake art gallery job because of a coworker who was a kiss ass and a boss who ran the space like a Chuck E. Cheese pivoted and worked in a CPG startup for hemp + functional mushrooms, founders expectations didn't align with what i wanted to do, fired left another gallery literally falling apart squandering money, sold high tech and was pushed to resign (thank god I negotiated and got to keep equity bc I lied to and almost didn’t get it) now my job is extremely chill and not very stressful with exceptions and I make more than any other job previously. You will gain experience and more $$$ and a lot of perspective once you quit enough things
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from Wikipedia: McAloon was rendered nearly blind for a period in 1999 due to detached retinas; housebound, he found comfort in listening to shortwave radio transmissions like chat shows, phone-in programs and documentaries.[3] He recorded conversations from these programs, fragmented them, and introduced new words and lines from other sources, generating source material for the album. makes me cry every time never realized how much emotion could come from a theremin and normally I don’t go for spoken word but it feels so plain and honest in contrast to (or because of?) the orchestra strings
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they usually like that bonus points if you can tell them why bonus bonus points if you tell them how long you’ve been their secret lil admirer it feels so good and my life has materially improved in multiple instances from doing this. highly recommend.
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Probably too much sugar to be a healthy snack but I carry at least one of these on me at all times (usually all three) in case a particular snacking mood (fruity, protein, salty) hits
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