left a fake art gallery job because of a coworker who was a kiss ass and a boss who ran the space like a Chuck E. Cheese pivoted and worked in a CPG startup for hemp + functional mushrooms, founders expectations didn't align with what i wanted to do, fired left another gallery literally falling apart squandering money, sold high tech and was pushed to resign (thank god I negotiated and got to keep equity bc I lied to and almost didn’t get it) now my job is extremely chill and not very stressful with exceptions and I make more than any other job previously. You will gain experience and more $$$ and a lot of perspective once you quit enough things
Mar 14, 2024

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and my life is perfect now. once with something better lined up and once out of fight or flight. you will never regret it
Mar 14, 2024
I’ve quit at least 4 horrible jobs/contracts without something immediately lined up (that I can think of off the top of my head). And wow every time that was the best decision for me each and every time and I never looked back. Granted I’ve otherwise had long tenure at jobs and was lucky enough to either find another opportunity right away (in one case quit before hearing back about an interview the previous day, which I did end up getting) or I was financially prepared to be unemployed. As others have said, definitely consider that you’re trading daily misery + salary, health care, stability, stuff to do with your day for no misery + logistical challenges. But if you are prepared to deal with job searching or just supporting yourself for a bit from your savings while you get on your feet, pls pls pls leave a job that is making you miserable and has no chance of getting any better (burnout is often defined as being in a situation where you have some combination of no upward mobility, continued frustration from the same sources, and endless work all without signs that it’ll get better, so look out for the signs). Man this rec is giving me the ole itch again (current job is pretty bad in a lot of ways, but not quite “leave immediately” status and I do need a salary + healthcare after a long unemployment period last year 😿).
Mar 15, 2024
I say yes to projects (mostly for money) that I think I can do or want to do only to discover after 6 weeks that it is actually the last thing on earth I want to do so I quiet-quit and just wait until it is painfully obvious that I will not be doing the thing that I myself elected to try to do you learn a lot about yourself and lowkey burning a bridge feels fucking great. it makes the world feel a little smaller and more cozy 😌 also you usually still get a little money
Feb 6, 2024

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