guilt is doing something wrong and feeling remorseful, while shame is feeling that you as a whole are wrong. there’s more to it of course, but being conscious of the difference has helped my self confidence immensely.
my first wondering — when you talk about feeling guilty over good things happening — is why is that? What is driving that guilt?
And also, is it really guilt or something else? Like, fear that it is going to be yanked away or that it’s all a facade?
Not in the sense where you do dumb shit and disturb people and things and have absolute zero shame. But just not shaming yourself into not trying things or doing things because you fear judgement and embarrassment.
We’ve integrated being ashamed into our consciousness over the darndiest littlest things. No more shame for goofing up when learning something new or waving to someone accidentally. Take it with stride. Just laugh at yourself once in a while… it makes a good story.
builds character. no one is looking at you weirdly i promise just see the movie by yourself bae. if nothing else do it because joan didion also thinks it’s a good idea. just don’t isolate