stepped in an enormous pile of dog shit while desperately searching for cheap(?) ‘cabins’ on zillow during my lunch break—don’t text and drive daydreamers
The car simps in political leadership and the enemies of a vibrant, sociable spaces have decided to do away with outdoor dining structures in favor of street parking. There are plenty of reasons to love these ad hoc hovels, designed and built to support once-struggling restaurants and cafes, ranging from the ramshackle to the wonderfully inventive. These photos are an endearing testament to our fellow humans' creative resilience. I'm sad for NYC and disappointed in our leaders for regressing to the status quo instead of embracing communal spaces.
I do this in many neighborhoods but the best quotes have come from the East Village for some reason. You always hear a fascinating range of topics as people pass, but in the form of only a sentence or two. I always find it incredible how much context can be conveyed within such few words.
my favorite quote so far:
“When someone who’s twelve years old shits his pants and you’re the only working staff, fuck yeah it’s fine to get the wheelbarrow.”
heard in an interview the pitch for the tv series the curse was a video montage of before and after footage from hgtv house flip shows set to alice coltrane ashram music—incredible
you’re at a restaurant, getting up from your table to leave, and then you drink a last sip of water while standing, maybe even down a whole half glass—regularly doing this, can’t just leave water on the table before heading on out