free on youtube free apps insight timer (everything) plum village (more traditional) finding your pref types of meditations is a super fun journey, meditators might become your new fave celebrities, mine right now is sarah blondin, esp, “Make It Sacred” you might even start meditative eating, meditative walking….your life is about to improve so much! never forget…you can’t mess up when you’re meditating…it’s not something you get good at…it’s just something you do…you breathe and your body and mind are finally in the same place at the same time Enjoy!
Feb 19, 2024

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Agree to all the above. In terms of resources, the deepak chopra 30 day meditation challenge is super helpful and easy to get into (I can send you the files for most of the days cuz it’s crazy expensive if you want) People like calm and the apps, but also Tara brach has a ton of free guided meditations online (don’t love em but you might). Also I do ananda marga meditation, which involved being connected to a teacher and getting a personal mantra which was transformative to my practice (and free unlike transcendental meditation) happy to connect you there as well :) here is a video intro to that ! Also I’m linking my favorite guided meditation 🧘‍♀️ Best of luck and feel free to hit me up w more questions ❤️
Mar 22, 2024
I actually saw a recommendation on here for a fantastic video from Christopher Germer on YT. Upon further exploration of his channel I learnt about loving kindness meditations. I did a guided loving kindness meditation from him channel and It was a really beautiful and healing experience that left me feeling happy and grateful. I downloaded the calm app and have now been meditating daily and writing down what I’m grateful for. Would highly recommend
Apr 20, 2024
There are so many guided meditations out there (I have hundreds of my own out there on YT and Insight Timer) but when you’re just beginning the process, simply listen. Sit outside in a comfy place and really focus on your ears and listening. notice all the layers of sounds around you. Then you can start noticing what you are seeing, even with eyes closed. Then smell, taste, and simply feel. And BREATHE. feel your lungs breathing and watch your breath the same way you watch waves. witness your own nature the same way you witness any other thing in nature. Open all the senses to your unique perception of the world at this moment, which will always be unique and noteworthy. There will be much noise in your mind saying lots of stuff maybe like “this is pointless” and the such, but each time you hear a judgey thought, flip it to curiosity- “could there be a point to sitting here and opening all my senses” There is a GREAT power in experiencing the world and your life as it is. We aren’t meant to change everything or fix every problem with “love and light” through meditation. We are just meant to remember, acknowledge, and accept that deep sense of awe and love that is beneath everything. Beneath allllll the noise. that’s all there is. We are meant to simply experience the wonder of whatever this wild wacky wonderful world is. it has been created in a marvelous way and we can join in the dance however we can 🪩
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