i’m applying to jobs and i have constant anxiety over whether or not i’m “capable of doing it” or “making the right decision” tonight i’ve decided there is no way to make a wrong decision because i will be gaining skills regardless! and if i hate it, i stick it out for a year and then change again! it’s that simple
Feb 21, 2024

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This has helped me a lot when paralyzed over big life decisions. I can’t know the future, and therefore might make the “wrong choice” or have unexpected consequences. But if I think about other times I’ve ended up in a bad job / relationship / living situation / whatever, I have always figured it out and gotten through it. So it’s rational to believe I will do it again. Also helpful for decision anxiety: You are making the best decision you can with the information you have right now. You might change your mind with new information, and that’s ok.
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I’m tired of jumping through hoops and reframing my mounting dread everyday as ‘an opportunity to make a change‘. I’m tired of thinking that only if I tried harder, or was better or did something different that I would have a better outcome. At what point do you stop trying to jam the same puzzle piece in the same spot and say, “Hmm maybe this doesn’t fit!” Am I quitting trying to be an ever optimizing and improving version of myself? Maybe. OR have I successfully gotten what I wanted out of this experience and can peacefully move on without remorse? I think in 2025 I’m going to start choosing the latter.
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i've been facing paralysis when i have to do something that i'm anxious about. i know at the end it'll be something "good for me", but that in itself doesn't stop the anxieties i have. waiting on it and stewing in my thoughts isn't helping me feel better. so, why not do things scared? the fear will be there regardless. i'm trying to push through the fear and do things anyways. for example, i have a gap year in between my graduation and my job. the thought of applying to jobs in this market fills me with undeniable dread, but i'm doing it anyways one job at a time. (on a side note, one anti-recommendation i have is the modern job hunt. why the fuck is this so hard) the things we "have" to do feel like a deep pool sometimes. scream as you take the plunge, and you come out on the other end feeling a little bit lighter.
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