I fucked my back real bad at the start of the year and massage+physio is the only thing that helped significantly. In the moment painkillers+muscle relaxants. Massaging my back and butt with a tennis ball helped along with core, butt and hip strengthening. Don't let it get worse!
Feb 21, 2024

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Massage most of all FR... and YOGA/stretching everyday (you can even do yoga on youtube and search for back related stretches) - physical therapy (when I was in like 8th grade I had weird like extremely painful sharp shooting pains in my tailbone, maybe because of my slight scoliosis? Or extra vertebrae? I can’t remember- the exercises they gave me and things they did helped cure it eventually) - heating pad - foam roller - getting knots out with lacrosse ball - tiger balm - baths with epsom salt - I don’t do this but a massage therapist recommended sleeping with a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side - trying to maintain good posture/alignment, I used to be a dancer so ballet/modern dance helps with alignment - chiropractor (not one that just cracks tf out of you so this requires research, but also just helps if you have some alignment issues but idk chiropracty is also not real science? - but it also has helped.)
Feb 21, 2024
i have had consistent knee and back pain since i was 14. i have been to chiropractors and doctors and massage therapists and none of them have really helped and i was starting to believe that i would just have to be in varying amounts of pain for the rest of my life. i started physio three weeks ago and my back pain is gone.
Jan 23, 2025
I have a bunch of back problems and had a crisis where I couldn’t do anything but lay on the ground for 3-4 weeks without intense pain down to my toes on the left side. So if you have lower back pain-sciatica or related do the following every day: Pelvic tilt exercise Quadruped arm-leg raise Side plank (easiest possible variation) Leg lift (one at a time easiest variation) And most important make sure whenever you’re sitting or standing you are engaging your core muscles (pretend someone is going to punch you in the stomach) And walk a lot all the time Basically you need to make sure your abs and back muscles are holding your body up and not your spine, and being in motion helps adjust the weight around instead of always settling on the same place and destroying your discs PS: don’t stretch if you are actively in pain. you’ll probably stretch the wrong thing in the wrong direction. You want to avoid aggravating inflamed nerves so first thing you want to do is just stop the pain by not fucking with it. Then work on your strength. Final note: this is for a specific back problem. If you have a different one the basic concept should work but the exercises might be different. But you should probably do all of the above anyway cause it’s good for you.
Feb 21, 2025

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