Do you ever wonder that if a bug lands on you and you, a souless specimen, swats it away, did you ever stop and think maybe it’s just having a bad day and it’s love language is physical touch. No I bet you didn’t think of that you Paul ..!!!!!!!!!!!
I was sitting on the steps to my house with my friend Evan. We were about 2 or 3. There were hundreds of ants on the sidewalk below us. Evan reached down and started smushing them. I turned to him and told him to stop: “How would YOU feel if you were an ant and someone smushed YOU?” A patronizing lesson in empathy… Interestingly, I had open heart surgery around the same time and spent days in the hospital, but this memory is much more visceral. Love this question.
it was a lovely day outside and i wanted to eat my lunch sitting in the sun, until i broke out the beautiful delicious honey crisp apple. they descended on me and i had to admit defeat. five whole wasps on my apple. and then i went inside and there was yet another wasp trying to eat my pesto pasta. what did i do to deserve this
They say that good things come in three and certainly I can attest to that with my potato carrot and pea broth. No longer brothless in the BURGH my food for thought has been nibbled at !!!!!!