japanese listening lounge. whiskey and vinyl. a classic example of toronto actually being cool when it stops trying so hard.
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Feb 24, 2024

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most eclectic / chaotic bar I have ever been to. it is not vibe-y or photographable Its incredibly divey in a non-intentional or self aware way but itā€™s also not scary or anything like some of the other weird ass bars on bloor The Instagram feed is awesome itā€™s just random clips of people singing karaoke at the bar top or selfies of the owner. Also the owner is incredibly sweet and will fully commit to whatever fit she is wearing and is like the nicest woman Iā€™ve ever met. Long live Toronto style
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loosely wes anderson-inspired bar in Toronto with some of the best drinks Iā€™ve ever had. delicious apps as well and karaoke rooms in the basement
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I am a nut for Wes Anderson, and this bar, inspired by the hotel lobbies of his films, feels like something I conjured up in a dream. I wish I lived in Toronto so I could drink here all the time. The amaretto sour on their specials menu was somehow my favorite drink Iā€™ve ever ordered, my boyfriend got a no-holds-bar sazerac (he ranked it 3rd best in the world), and my best friend had the tame impala (sheā€™s a sucker for chai). If you see me taking the 8 hour drive up to Toronto this summer exclusively to drink here again, mind your own business (or join)
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the internet used to feel messy and infinite, full of weirdos and subcultures and criminals and inexplicable little nerd projects from anonymous friends you made on message boards. then everything became twitter and instagram, which was cool until everything irl started looking and feeling like twitter and instagram too, no matter where in the world you were, and there was nowhere else to go. suddenly though (?) that era feels over, those sites are dying, along with google search, and I feel like the weird internet, the infinite internet, is at the beginning of a full comeback. I love that dizzy feeling that thereā€™s so much much out there that Iā€™ll never even get close to seeing it all. maybe thatā€™s why I like it here so much?
Jan 26, 2024
Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d really recommend this because itā€™s more exhausting and permanently life-altering than almost any other thing you could imagine. But being a parent connects me to others in a way I had never experienced before having my own kid. I love every child because I love my child. I believe every person is trying their best, is trying to be good, because I see that in him. I feel connected to the grief and suffering of other parents because I see how to love your child is necessarily to be on the knifeā€™s edge of grief at all times. I have found parenting politically radicalizing because I cannot accept that my child deserves more than other children, that he gets to be safe and fed and surrounded by infinite possibility when most others are not. Having a kid has not necessarily made me happier, but it has given me a deeper understanding of the human condition, and I am grateful for that.
Mar 16, 2024
the best advice I give my students is this: life is not a video game where you win by collecting points, doing boring, meaningless, soul-crushing things for the majority of your career so that you can ā€œspendā€ them one day on something you actually care about. the same social constraints that discipline young people into deferring gratification too easily trick them into deferring their passions and deferring their integrity, too. every day is equally your life. every bit of power and choice you have is an opportunity, right now, to live out your values. make art now. travel now. take the job that matters now. plant a garden now. do the right thing now. later is too late: spend your points.
Feb 13, 2024