super easy, super yummy, 1 pot!!!! perhaps add some chorizo or cauliflower.... and serve with toasted sourdough.... feels so so so nourishing
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Feb 26, 2024

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Albeit it’s much more of a breakfast food, it’s a really easy-to-make and flavourful meal to enjoy :) If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous I feel like you can never go wrong with a beef bourguignon / beef stew. Super easy to make but requires some time to stew ! Can also be made in large quantities to spread out over the week.
this is so good u will need: -a can of rinsed chickpeas -tomato -spinach -sour cream -garlic -peanut butter -olive oil cut the tomatoes and cook them. when already cooked, crush them a little bit. add garlic, chickpeas, spinach, salt, vegetable broth, 3 tbs of peanut butter and sour cream cover the pot and cook for abt 10-15 mins here’s the original recipe but instead of nutritional yeast i add the sour cream.
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One pot makes four hearty meals!! Cheap and easy and great to spend an hour on it one night and be sorted for half the week. Brief recipe: Heat oil/butter Finely chop at least three cloves of garlic and warm Throw in some cumin, turmeric, chilli flakes, and any other spices you like (I use a korma blend with different ones in) Keep stirring so garlic doesn't burn and when they're fragrant throw in a cup or so of lentils to toast (I like red unsoaked ones) Add in 1 or 2 sweet potatoes (cubed into small pieces) and keep stirring Throw in a can of good chopped tomatoes Add a cup and a half of hot water and vegetable stock Big stir Bring to a boil Ten minutes later reduce to simmer (goal is to cook off the water) Simmer for five minutes Add in a can of coconut milk and stir Stir in a couple handfuls of kale to wilt Add salt and pepper Once you're satisfied it's reduced enough (around 20 mins cooking time) turn off heat and leave for ten minutes Done! Healthy and delicious
Apr 3, 2024

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romanticise ur blunders & ur missteps, bc that is just part of being a creature. if u saw a duckling fall flat on its face and scramble 2 its feet u wouldn't judge the freakin duckling, u would think it was the cutest thing ever. because it is. we r just organisms in big ungainly bodies, and that is part of our charm. tripping over ur own feet is maybe the most adorable thing u can do. like awwhh u tripped on the pavement </333 this extends 2 social interactions 2. messaging exes that u miss them, making a joke that doesn't land, mishearing/not knowing/forgetting something, etc??!!?! SO SWEET. genuinely such wonderful & important & adorable things 2 do. i think this is maybe the best thing i've ever managed 2 train my brain 2 do. it isn't foolproof but it makes life a lot gentler.
Feb 5, 2024
just about everything that happens to you will be interesting to your future self/your descendants/archaeologists. immortalise your to do lists, shopping lists, packing lists, things that loved ones say, things that strangers say, the phrases you hear that would make a good band name. brainstorm what to do on the weekend, list your cravings, the songs stuck in your head, transcribe birdsong, etc. i track my periods & my finances in my journal. sometimes if i really want to take a photo of something i'll restrain myself and draw it in my journal instead. sometimes i take notes for uni in there, or draft sewing patterns, or sketch when im bored. journals are self-portraits!!!!!!!
Apr 21, 2024