Have a bowl set up somewhere (I always do the bathroom) with questions in it. they can be funny, they can be earnest, they can be whatever your heart desires but just have a shit ton of them written out in the bowl. Have your guests answer them throughout the night. Bonus points if you can have an iPad by the bowl so people can record their answers - i always get lots of laughs out of watching them the next day. Also throw youtube karaoke on your tv
Feb 28, 2024

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Fishbowl is a classic parlor game where everyone writes down a few prompts on papers and mixes them up in a bowl. There are three rounds: 1) Taboo, try to get your team (or group) to guess the prompt without saying it 2) charades 3) players get a single, one word clue is used to get team members to guess the phrase/word on the paper. This game can be played different ways, but I typically like to split the group into two teams. Each team gets a minute to get as many cards as possible, then the other team gets a minute. The person who draws from the bowl changes with every swap of the team’s turn. Each correctly guessed prompt is a point. This continues until all the slips of paper are gone from the bowl. At the end of each round, all the prompts are put back in the bowl so that all players are already kind of familiar with these phrases going into a new round. And the team with the most points/cards at the end of all the rounds wins! This game has definitely created some interesting, new vernacular for my friend group, as the prompts can be literally anything. Plus, it’s very easy to learn/teach and only requires items found around your house.
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