a super unique and cool rec for u all... but i just moved from the Oakland hills to a more walkable area and !breaking news! it is completely changing my life for the better. at first i found it difficult to motivate myself but setting out my clothes shoes and headphones the night before so i can just slip into the fit and goooo has helped a ton. i also like to give myself little, informal quests to complete on each walk just 2 spice things up so here are some from the past week: - listen to a new episode of POOG or Seek Treatment (the only 2 pods i listen to) - find a blue box and finally mail that damn letter to Laura - re-fill bag of coffee from Ain't Normal cafe - call my BFF in Copenhagen bc time zones align at 7 in the morning - buy q-tips at Walgreen's some ideas for next week to pay more attention to my surroundings and connect: - bring my film camera and take 5 pictures - notice 5 birds, trees, flowers, plants, etc - smile at 5 strangers!!! - call my parents bc they're probably on a walk too - call my grandparents in India bc time zones also align... anyway. i love 2 walk now
Feb 29, 2024

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