Treating leather work boots with mink oil feels a little decadent, but it makes any leather good look better, so why not do it? (Conditioned left v unconditioned right.)
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Feb 29, 2024

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I had a boss who took exquisite care of his leather shoes. I’m talking dusted, brushed, and moisturized them after every single wear. They softened up and held their shape and luster for years and years. On a base level, leather is made of skin. And skin needs lotion. I know I moisturize daily, so why shouldn’t my shoes? I’ve had these Blundstones for four years and moisturize them every few weeks depending on the amount of wear they’re getting. I’ve used the Blundstone bootcare products which are pretty lux ($$) but this Kiwi leather lotion works just as well. My dad swears by Venetian, which I’m trying next. Bonus points for doing your partner or roommate’s boots if you’re feeling generous with your time and elbow grease.
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Every day wear. Like a torture machine when you’re breaking it in, but after, you can sleep in them. These things can take a beating and they’re meant to. No reason to wear anything else. Dress them up, dress them down, do yard work, do no work, sit at home, etc. I love these boots so much. You have to apply leather conditioner every month or so with horse hair brush, and brush dirt off every day. Like a ritual. Make sure to wear long, thick sock. Or you’ll get mad blisters.
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with whom I have a very close r’ship. Nothing chic-er than taking your worn-in leather boots to be re-soled! Look after your things and they’ll look after you.
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