Or like any Youtuber with <1000 subs who posts multiple times a day... also love Spend Less Money Mama... give me ur recs of the people who randomly show up on your YT homepage with <500 views just talking about whatever I sincerely love a lofi rambler
Mar 5, 2024

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ASMR: Latte ASMR, Shhheila ASMR, and GoodnightMoon Otherwise: RABSoPetty, Marley Bloodrose, whatever youtube recommends that looks cool lol
Jan 21, 2025
1. BRENDAWARENESS: really cool and good for the fashion girlies. it is a smaller podcast channel by "Hashtag Brenda", she is big in fashion (she literally spent her birthday with Rick Owens). I call her my digital big sister. https://www.youtube.com/@brendahashtag 2. COLORLESS WONDERLAND: kinda booktube but for not horny people. he used to be a middle school teacher and he has very cool takes and analysis. he hasn't posted actively in a while but he's just overall really good vibes. https://www.youtube.com/@colorlesswonderland 3. PROFOUND PONDERING: this random guy who speaks very candidly about his mental health and is quite relaxing to listen to. https://www.youtube.com/@profoundpondering8575 4. WENDIGOON: does deep research on some really cool topics; everything from the bible to analogue horror, to chris mc candless. he is just really interesting to listen to, nd is def for the hyperfixation community https://www.youtube.com/@Wendigoon 5. FRANK WATKINSON: an old man who does very cute covers of songs which make me cry everytime. he also has original songs. he's been on youtube for like 10 years at least and loves sufjan stevens. https://www.youtube.com/@FrankWatkinson/videos 6. KERWIN FROST: this may be a bit rogue but he was my fav person when i was like 13 in 2018 and was like super into tyler the creator. Kerwin is a really cool DJ and his interviews are so fun to watch. he doesn't post much now but he has done interviews with young lean and dev hynes which rlly impacted me when i was younger and revisit from time to time https://www.youtube.com/@KerwinFrostTV 7. MYTHICAL KITCHEN (LAST MEAL): might just be my favourite series on the internet everrrr. a very talented chef called Josh hosts celebrity guests and chefs make their "death row meal". they've had guests like Karamo from queer eye, steve-o and tom hanks. https://www.youtube.com/@mythicalkitchen 8. BOOK CLUB RADIO: a dj collective in brooklyn, insane sets (personal favs: dj nico and varist) https://www.youtube.com/@bookclubradio 9. ARCHITECTUAL DIGEST (OPEN DOOR + SPACE SAVERS): i love looking at rich peoples houses, so cool. open house is a series where they go to celebrity houses, obvs so fun to watch. space savers is a series where 3 different architects get given a space and they get to draft whatever they want, the results are so cool! (darren jett is so cool) https://www.youtube.com/@Archdigest i hope you enjoyed the list mwahhh xoxoxox
Jun 22, 2024
kurtis conner : his vids are kinda mindless but fun nilered/nileblue : a science guy, he has vids like making plastic gloves into grape soda james hoffman : coffee connoisseur ryan paynter : not active anymore but worth watching also supersize vs superskinny lol

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When I have like. A terrible smoothie. Or hear a really bad song. Or my water tastes weird. I'm always like dude you have to try this and he's like why are you sharing this if it's bad and I'm like that's the point of having bf?
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