A series of short films celebrating beautiful video game worlds. Andy hasn't made one of these in a couple years, but there's still a decently-sized catalogue there to enjoy.
Love the vibes of this channel. My favorite series of his is the “Unremarkable and Odd Places in ___”. He basically finds liminal space type places in popular video games and shows them off, and then muses about life for a while. As someone who barely plays video games, I still find the videos entertaining and oddly comforting. Overall it’s a very chill time.
any austin is a great channel for observing niche video game design elements. he's most known for doing the unemployment rates of all the cities in skyrim and pokemon, and those video series are great and i highly recommend them, but i didn't watch any of that in the last week. i watched this.
I never understood the appeal of watching let's plays but I'll make an exception for gaming archeology. Seeing these silly, dated games be played is fun. But the video is really an ode to web 1.0—freeware, personal websites, and creativity.
A master at writing genre fiction as literary fiction. Multiple narratives, stellar characters, a time-hopping, pre- and post-apocalyptic plot, and a killer miniseries adaptation to watch once you’re finished
I only saw her perform twice, but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else live more than once (though I obviously would like to see a lot of them live again). At least I can say one of the times I saw her was her very first US performance 🥹💔