and also breaking free from the catholic levels of guilt/shame about wanting to be with another non binary or trans person; i am not a chaser for wanting to be with someone who shares an experience that is fundamental to who i am and how i experience life!!!
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Mar 9, 2024

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now i am a very lucky person because i am in love with some who was once one of my best friends. (sadly this rec probably isnā€™t universally applicable but contains good lessons i hope!) iā€™d met him during the first week of freshman year of college, and we immediately became close. hung out a ton and related on a lot of issues/values but our interactions were always platonic. by wintertime we were being seen together around campus a ton, to the point that our acquaintances started asking whether we were a couple. weā€™d laugh at the idea, even joking about it ourselves. oh how oblivious we were. spring rolled around and i suddenly caught feelings. for a couple weeks i tried to convince myself i didnā€™t like him because i was so afraid of losing our beautiful friendship. i thought it impossible that he would feel the same as me. yes, pretty torturous!! alas, my Emotional Suppression didnā€™t work. thank god, because one night when we were hanging out in my room he finally kissed me. i had been so afraid but instantly i knew it was right. the risk was worth it. weā€™ve now been together for almost two years and he is truly the love of my life. he is the best risk Iā€™ve ever taken. yes this is so platitudinous, but sometimes love comes when you least expect it and appears in odd places! more generally, i think - looking for people whose values align with yours is a wonderful place to start establishing intimate and long-lasting relationships, both platonic and romantic. - itā€™s never worthwhile to force something to work out if your gut tells you itā€™s wrong ā€” youā€™re worth more than that. love doesnā€™t thrive when itā€™s fed by obligation and pressure. - donā€™t be afraid to present yourself in your full authenticity to others. if someone else has a problem with You in your Grandest Expression, theyā€™re not worth your energy. love is meant to affirm and expand who you are, not place boundaries on it. - go on self dates and explore what it means to have a loving relationship with yourself! you, as a singular self, are already whole and enough without having a partner. you are complete as a baseline regardless of your relationship status; a partner is meant to complement and embrace this wholeness!! love is ridiculous and hard and beautiful; trust it when you feel it!!
Nov 10, 2024
Sometimes I get caught up chasing ideals of love. Growing up with immigrant parents in the US, I wished my parents showed me love the way my friends' parents did. My parents seemed cold in comparison to the affection I saw my friends receiving. I fell for best friends who did love me but never enough and never in the ways I wanted them to. Nowadays I have grown to appreciate the ways in which my parents do show me love -- when they ask if I've eaten or when I dye my mom's hair as she peels me oranges. Friendship to me no longer needs to be tied up in such rigid binaries. It's not the label of a relationship I'm after but rather just the intimacy of knowing other people. I try not to focus so much on how I wish to be loved by other people and instead pay attention to all the different ways I am loved. Acting with a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. And in that way, everything feels enough. Disclaimer: Establishing boundaries is paramount. Love that is corrosive or manipulative is not love.
Feb 1, 2024
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sheā€™s the one who keeps our emotions and hydration levels in check. i dunno about anyone else but iā€™ve been crazy dehydrated lately ā€” thereā€™s a full moon tomorrow PLUS ā€œdaylight saving timeā€ begins... this is also a new moon in pisces sooo i could be fully delusional. as with most things, only time can tell!
Mar 9, 2024
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in mid december i had the absolute pleasure of enjoying this spicy miso ramen before spending some time at the royal ontario museum (like i do every third tuesday of the month), half-baked ogling at the rocks and minerals exhibit on the third floor. this spot is by no means some hidden gem, but itā€™s rare for me to experience a restaurant that lives up to its praise (looking at you two, fresca and craig's cookies) and i was also pleasantly surprised to see cocktails for under $10! in a cave of mediocre food spots in the yonge/wellesley area, ramen raijin is shiny treasure. they donā€™t do reservations and the atmosphere discourages campers at tables so operations run smoothly; everything from the demeanour of their staff to the quality of the food radiates excellenceā€¦ i will be returning and tipping generously <3
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