its a book of poetry that’s written kind of like a story, and it is very much a kind of non-denominational holy text for me. it is like an anchor for when things get complicated and you need to go back to basics on how to navigate relationships especially. very short read as well! i would heavily recommend
Mar 10, 2024

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instead of outright insulting people, saying “ok, haircut”. works for basically anyone even if they don’t have a distinctive haircut, but especially men, and ESPECIALLY (canadians know what i mean) guys with “hockey mullets” (although if they’ve chosen that path i doubt drawing attention to it will do anything other than embolden them, so tread carefully). i have discovered that cis men are all, every one of them, insecure about their hair. use this knowledge for good or for evil, i clean my hands of you all
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if you’re person with anxiety like me or a person who experiences misogyny (also me) then chances are you could always get a little meaner when it comes to asking acceptable behaviour of others. looking back on times when, in the moment, i was worried that i was being too harsh by telling people how they can treat me, retrospectively i have almost never ever in my life felt i did the wrong thing. realizing this has made standing up for myself 10x easier every time i find myself needing to. showing others grace is not incompatible with showing up for yourself, in fact, one necessitates the other!
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heavily overdone and meme-ified but never underestimate the value of having a little stash of your favourite goodies you can tuck away and then remember about when you least expect it! my favourite part, especially since i tend to forget about them, is remembering i have them, and then being reminded of how when i was picking them out, i was thinking of how future me might need a pick-me up, or might want to share some with a friend to cheer them up. it can make going to the convenience store and buying junk food into an act of self-care and to me i think that that is magical
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