I died once during surgery - no white light, no nothing. So if some slick dude said I could have a decent house in LA for free, I’d ask “blood or gel roller?“ and get to signing.
i love signing up for research studies without knowing anything about them and just going to get my blood drawn and hair and saliva collected for an afternoon in exchange for an 85$ gift card… i am the ideal lab rat because i am willing to do anything. put me in that maze!
(i signed a form and now my biomaterial legally belongs to the university)
so cool.. my mass is literally less than it was this morning. & the doctors will ask it some questions it very nicely & spin it around really fast & my blood will tell them the answers……. blood-based divination @ its finest
plus the lady was nice & gave me a pen
Antidepressants have worked in the past to dig me out of acute depression, but my big monster is the anxiety. A daily beta blocker for the anxiety has helped me work on what I need to in therapy. A process still but getting somewhere.
My husband and I had thought a devoted pair of mourning doves come to splash in our pool while we swim laps because they recognized we are cool to hang with. Then we realized it‘s because they figured out the hawk that hunts from our roof wouldn’t attack them with us there. I hope they tell the bunny family we are stellar guards. I wanna whole coterie like a Disney princess.