I know there is no shortage of discussion and appreciation for this but I just saw the directors cut at the Alamo and it really clicked this time I watched it first in eighth grade study hall on my phone constantly looking over my shoulder especially during that scene and then the second time in a dorm lounge with everyone else mad at me for picking such a “weird” movie (however those same friends liked infinity pool when we went so I don’t really know what could’ve been that much more off putting about this) It is just so well done and I love all the buildings that were actually constructed I also love all the moments of silence throughout they really just elevated the discomfort of everything happening Also for how fucked up it is it is also so funny which I love Acting is phenomenal too I love William Jackson Harper, Florence Pugh and Will Poulter Unrelated note: diet coke is THE drink of the people there were 9 other people in the theater and literally every one of them ordered a Diet Coke
Mar 13, 2024

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btw, the 50 year anniversary of Texas Chainsaw Massacre is being celebrated at Regal theaters everywhere, and if you haven’t experienced it on the big screen, kid, I fuckin implore you to. It’s beautiful. and I mean that. upon watching you will fall ill, your poor stomach will churn and churn, the cold dark of the theater will envelop you not unlike death itself . if your hair doesn’t fall out on its own, you’ll rip it straight from the follicle in a prehistoric animal-programmed fear response. You’ll love it. Also I won’t spoil it but there’s an incredibly funny scene nearly at the end of the film that will likely make you cry tears; its rather reminiscent of a moment in an episode of Tom and jerry. Anyways goodnight. I’m beyond impressed, I just had to gush. No matter how many times I watch this shit it never ceases to make me sick, and that’s pretty special.
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*Some thematic spoilers maybe? Beware* Still working out all my thoughts about this movie, it's kinda stream of consciousness atm but wow... All the magic and horror that comes out of media consumption amongst queer teenage suburban isolation... the simultaneous connection and disconnection from others through it. It also explores neurodivergence, queerness, asexuality, gender identity expression and repression, depression and sometimes suicide (ideation and attempts) amongst the backdrop of media consumption. It's all connected. Media as a portal to other worlds, a portal to other selves, a portal to a place where other people understand and you are empowered and you belong. Blurring the lines between the physical self and a digital projection of a desired self, and the euphoria and horrors that come along with that. All things I heavily relate to. This is very much a movie for Millennials, Gen Z and Gen A in the best ways possible. I think specifically for teens at the moment but also people who were teens not long ago. I wish this movie was there for me 10 years ago. I won't lie, there are a lot of corny moments as well and some over-use of visuals, but the messages override it all for sure. It's also important to note that the director Jane Schoenbrun is trans and goes by they/them pronouns. Being non-binary myself (among pretty much everything else I mentioned in the 2nd paragraph), this movie made me feel seen and understood. The music was amazing too!!! Alex G never misses!!! I loved the covers of Anthems and Tonight, Tonight, the fact that they're recent covers really brings us back to the present with a reflection of the past. Last thing I will say is I wrote a bit about Digital Doubles and DoppelgÀngers in my Communications program and now really want to explore that again because of this movie.
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