btw, the 50 year anniversary of Texas Chainsaw Massacre is being celebrated at Regal theaters everywhere, and if you haven’t experienced it on the big screen, kid, I fuckin implore you to. It’s beautiful. and I mean that.
upon watching you will fall ill, your poor stomach will churn and churn, the cold dark of the theater will envelop you not unlike death itself . if your hair doesn’t fall out on its own, you’ll rip it straight from the follicle in a prehistoric animal-programmed fear response. You’ll love it.
Also I won’t spoil it but there’s an incredibly funny scene nearly at the end of the film that will likely make you cry tears; its rather reminiscent of a moment in an episode of Tom and jerry.
Anyways goodnight. I’m beyond impressed, I just had to gush. No matter how many times I watch this shit it never ceases to make me sick, and that’s pretty special.