They really laced this game with crack because I remember playing it many many times, but have only the vaguest idea of what it was about. I think it was just finding items to give to different CN characters to get them to come to a party? Maybe someone else here remembers and had the same addiction
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Mar 18, 2024

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this was basically a hangout simulator where you got to pretend to be a socialite that has a studio apartment in LA, except it was putatively for children bc it was on i remember being so young that i had to have someone explain to me that the people going around randomly saying “beach” really meant something else. it was a valuable lesson for the future
Oct 14, 2024
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I fell for the advertising for this as a kid and it ended up under the tree one christmas. It's a game where you watch TV and hang out with a Pikachu, talk to Pokemon, go out in the world. A life sim, maybe? Who knows. It's slow and meandering but I loved it, spent hours in the in-game paint tool and named my Pikachu "Bruce" after my favorite stuffed animal at the time. I've revisited it throughout the years; showed it to my niece who enjoyed it and would pester me to put it in the Wii when I babysat her when I was a teen as well as through emulation as an adult. It's chill and calm, a weird blip on the Pokemon timeline.
Jul 16, 2024

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Seeing everything at a concert. Touching the ceiling for a really good stretch. Giving your own dad a curfew. Being tall is really it
Mar 8, 2024