my impulsive top 4 of all time atm Matilda formed my aesthetic / ethic sensibility at a very young age ... both light-hearted and dark... resourceful kids and either demonic or angelic adults... I need to catch more Danny Devito as director stuff, I think he's one of the most significant cultural figures of our times Earwig is a fairly recent fave. Somewhat similar philosophically to Matilda^^ but European and much much darker. Made by Lucile Hadzhihalilovic (work and life partner w Gaspar Noe). She seems to be making movies about adults biopoliticsmaxxing children. Giving Kafka, I think, but not even a little funny. Dreamy, vibesy stuff. To be avoided if you're bothered by not getting all the answers. The Devils is a sexy lil romp about nuns letting libidinal tension turn into would-be Satanic psychoses. Feat a very very handsome Oliver Reed. Spoiler alert they massacre him at the end. I love Ken Russell and his bacchanalia. The Royal Tenenbaums is my favorite Wes Anderson, at least from his early career. If u get it u get it. This one has some strong sentimental/emotional power over me, but then it's also pretty funny. The Royal Tenenbaums is The One. Also shoutout to the four Netflix shorts that came out last year, which I think are his best work in years and years and years (though I thought the same thing about Asteroid City).
Mar 22, 2024

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