one Austin Film Fest i was on the lookout for David Lowery (director of A Ghost Story and The Green Knight). i got access to the filmmakers bbq and thought i saw him but he was engrossed in conversation. i almost chickened out but i kept googling pictures of him to make sure it was him while i psyched myself up. finally, i worked up the courage to tap him on the shoulder and ask if he was David Lowery. Reader, he was not 💀
i apologized profusely, asked him about the short film he *was* premiering at the festival, and escaped as fast as i could feeling DEEPLY MORTIFIED.
the next few days i was still on David Lowery watch and noticing that the bald, five-o-clock shadow, black skinny jean look is much more common among filmmakers than i realized lmao. thus i decided to play it safe and simply accost him after his panel the following day.
on my way to the panel, i ran into a friendly lady who was looking for the same panel, so i walked her there while telling her my embarrassing mishap and plans to finally meet the elusive director. once we arrived, she disappeared and i felt a little offended she didn’t want to sit with me. turns out SHE WAS ON THE PANEL. one of the writers for THIS IS US!! mortified AGAIN, i started rehearsing my next apology for not knowing who she was.
the panel was great, both she and David Lowery were so insightful and lovely, even making me tear up a bit. afterwards i approached her and apologized and told her how some things she said on the panel touched me. she was super gracious and then said “so i told David your story, let me introduce you to him” 💀💀💀
anyway, she made the introduction and left to talk to more people. the first thing he said was “so was it another bald guy in black skinny jeans?”
so that’s my mortifying but deeply treasured celebrity story. i finally got to meet the REAL David Lowery.