Do you remember? When you didn't have 60 new chats per day on Whatsapp? With people writing to you about stuff that is neither urgent nor important nor anything? Stuff that was absolutely fine to talk about via email, snail mail, or never at all? And it's not only work. I mean, work on Whatsapp is annoying, but so is the invitation to a random event two months out that just gets buried under a thousand messages. I
Mar 26, 2024

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this may not be in any way applicable to your situations: what if you were to reply letting them know you got the message, you want to connect, but texting just isn't working for you — and instead could they Facetime or do a phone call or something realtime? When I send you a text message or a whatsapp or signal or one of the many others then I am essentially giving you homework/an assignment. I put something in your inbox—on your to do list. Now you have to deal with this thing. My message, or insane flurry of messages, is going to sit there taunting and shaming you. I've been part of so many group messaging threads and they can just become so way too much to point I can't even engage in that medium. So I love the idea of communicating in a way that doesn't put a burden of response on someone—because it is happening in realtime. Instant messaging can be exhausting whereas a phone call or video chat can be life-giving. And when it is over, then it is over.
Oct 19, 2024
nice way to keep tabs on and dissect family drama. you can't say we haven't spoken recently when i just responded 'lol' to the tik tok you dropped in the chat
Feb 3, 2024
i am flattered that my friends want to talk to me, but it’s a stimulation overload. like, my attention is being demanded at any time of the day without consent. the messages pile up, people sending me memes or check up messages or trying to organise events on group chats or even just asking when i am free to hang out. and it happens all at once, from all different people. my time feels obligated to someone else because i have to make time to reply or find time to see that person. i leave people on delivered for days because i don’t have the stamina to engage in conversation that was basically demanded out of me during my day. i love my friends, but text messaging has allowed people to infiltrate your personal time at any point of the day, removing time away from yourself and worrying about when to reply or what to say back. it’s a lot, and im overwhelmed by it. sometimes, it makes me just want to fall off the grid.
Jan 27, 2025