Gender fluid, horny, weird book that makes you feel a lot of things. Not done but it has been engrossing. Also the snippets on the cover are hilarious from Eileen Myles, Michelle Tea, and Maggie Nelson:
I'm not sure of the buzz elsewhere on the internet, but this is a fantastic book by a strange, fantastic artist. Makes me want to dance and fuck. Read rn.
been reading tropic of cancer by henry miller and it's him traipsing around paris being horny and a writer and poor and it's so good. i love when men talk about things
Because as a lesbian it is my duty to honor them both???? being reminded of how cute they both are every time I look at my phone is extremely pleasant.
Not sterile whatsoever and has a nice outdoor space to read/work/exist as well as a minimal cafe area inside that feels comfy cozy 90s. On Sunset/Logan in Echo Park.