...is what they call it, in the basement of...
4579 Hamilton Ave.
Cincinnati OH
Weds. Jan. 29, 8pm
Experimental, Ambient Eclectic show for the kiddies. It’s in the basement, where all the fun stuff happens.
[addendum, just so happens fortuitously that the very loud LASHES will be playing upstairs, which may create a problem for the ambient side, but it promises to make for an all around interesting evening]
Line up is
Mark Shafer :
inventor of gadgets and music
Heal Trapeze: Jordin Goff of the Yugos solo project made for the weird ( fans of they might be giants or cardiacs might like)
No Face: Expermentor of abstract some times intense music
Ergonomics: Michael Clouse of Heists’ project ivolving improv and getting out of the comfort zone to make some thing unique and musical
Miguel Morte Valentine: former sing song writer, . first anglar and no wave guitarist famous and acclaimed band Period Bomb had before he moved on to focus on his current project Honorable Demons.
Grow Horns: You all know him and love him. Former child star now a wild star exploring sounds.