...our favorite record store in SW Ohio (in Dayton) -now at its new location... We are excited to host the first ever live event in our new space for a very special evening of noise, electronic, and experimental music featuring a diverse and high quality roster of acts: Knifedoutofexistence (UK) https://knifedoutofexistence.bandcamp.com/.../places-that... Secret Boyfriend https://enmossed.bandcamp.com/track/alpha-rhythm-fade-out Duo Denum (Al Margolis and Tom Law duo) https://vimeo.com/851070640 Hatmansaxplayer https://hatmansaxplayer.bandcamp.com/track/march-2-2024 Thursday October 17th 2024 2101 E. 5th St. Dayton OH 7pm $10
Oct 15, 2024

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A number of foreign acts have had difficulties touring the U.S. of late, being snagged by Customs when trying to enter (shoulda tried the southern border!) But these guys made it -see updated flyer Promo info follows... Very excited to be hosting two top secret noise acts coming all the way from Belgium and the Netherlands at the shop next month! Our lips are sealed for the moment to ensure safe passage to the US for our Euro friends, but we can assure you they are two not-to-be missed acts.JHK from NYC is also on the bill, along with local support from Outdoor Horse Shrine of Cincinnati!A full lineup announcement will be posted the week of the show.Tuesday April 9th 2024 Skeleton Dust Records 133 E. 3rd St. Dayton OH 7pm $10Flyer by Joseph Wang
Apr 7, 2024
...is what they call it, in the basement of... THE COMET 4579 Hamilton Ave. Cincinnati OH Weds. Jan. 29, 8pm Experimental, Ambient Eclectic show for the kiddies. It’s in the basement, where all the fun stuff happens. [addendum, just so happens fortuitously that the very loud LASHES will be playing upstairs, which may create a problem for the ambient side, but it promises to make for an all around interesting evening] Line up is Mark Shafer : inventor of gadgets and music Heal Trapeze: Jordin Goff of the Yugos solo project made for the weird ( fans of they might be giants or cardiacs might like) No Face: Expermentor of abstract some times intense music Ergonomics: Michael Clouse of Heists’ project ivolving improv and getting out of the comfort zone to make some thing unique and musical Miguel Morte Valentine: former sing song writer, . first anglar and no wave guitarist famous and acclaimed band Period Bomb had before he moved on to focus on his current project Honorable Demons. Grow Horns: You all know him and love him. Former child star now a wild star exploring sounds.
Jan 27, 2025
No Response Presents: Id M Theft Able (An enduring figure in the American weirdo noise century, specializing in a homespun voice and junk-object sound) https://idmtheftable.bandcamp.com/ William DeWolfe / Jon Lorenz Duo Mark Shafer Grow Horns ---------- Monday, August 12th 9pm / Free The Comet Basement 4579 Hamilton Ave. Cincinnati OH
Aug 11, 2024

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