Obviously weā€™re all so different, but that also means itā€™s hard to give advice because how we process stress / how it manifests physically / how we soothe it can vary so much from person to person, and even season to season. Iā€™ve learned to take advice and TRY EVERYTHING until I find what works for me. In my experience itā€™s better to try 10 different things to weed out what works for you than to pick & choose what you think will work. Just try whatever is feasible from what we recommend! Okay, rec time: Microdose gummies were a huge help for me in certain seasons. I am not a person that wants to get high; I donā€™t have anything against it, just donā€™t do it myself. The microdose is so so so low that you donā€™t feel it. If anything, the ones I took felt like a light melatonin feeling. Helped me calm down a lot and often helped me sleep. Baths were huge in certain seasons. Add some salt, dim the lights, play some ambient sounds or your fav calm album, and fully submerge into the void. Long drives are how I make sense of lifeā€˜s puzzles. I often take the long way home if I think the extra time will help me arrive at a calmer state. I always find myself enjoying the local traffic, getting to really look at my surroundings, using red lights to breathe and refocus my thoughts. 3 practical things that are relatively easy to do. I think anxiety / stress rob you of your time and energy. Iā€™ve spent so much of my life under stress only to get through the very thing that stressed me and realize that I had nothing to worry about. I lost days, weeks, maybe months to stress and anxiousness. At this point in my life Iā€™m very aggressive about not living life with stress or anxiety in the drivers seat. Itā€™s my life to enjoy and I only get one and I want as much of it as possible to be filled with joy / happiness / peace. Hope that helps! Sending you good thoughts + prayers + vibes.
Apr 10, 2024

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not sure what anxiety looks like for you specifically so your mileage may varyā€¦ mental approaches: - ask a friend or professional peer to give you a pep talk (verbalizing feelings helps make them smaller!) - make a list of past projects you are proud of (or past challenges youā€™ve overcome) - remind yourself 1) youā€™re allowed to not know everything & even to make mistakes 2) whatever you donā€™t know you can probably figure out - journal to brain dump the anxious thoughts & move forward (youā€™ll get tired of yourself) - choose a mantra for your project that centers you & counteracts the negative voices somatic approaches: - practice noticing when your body feels anxious & where it is in your body - do a body scan to further help you notice tension & to ground i.e. get out of your head & back into your body - go outside (touch grass) - take breaks to do something unrelated (give your brain a break) - rest & food: human necessities that will help you regulate your emotions - stretch/exercise - laugh and/or cry - cold shower or ice pack to reset your nervous system iā€™m so shit at putting these into practice but when i do, it really helps
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i like to ask myself ā€œhave i eaten within the last 4 hrs? have i drank enough water? am i overwhelmed by my environment?ā€ and making sure those things are taken care of helps a lot with my own irritability that i didnā€™t realize was there.Ā  taking a short 5 min. walk does a lot for ur mood, especially in the sunlight (as cliche and overused that advice is). and if i have no more energy and all else fails, i force myself to take a nap. when i canā€™t sleep, i do breathing exercises, and that helps me feel more calm too. i hope that helps a little bit!! i feel ur struggle and i believe in u šŸ«¶šŸ› good luck
6d ago
things ive found have helped: - doing less during the day. ik this isnt always an option cause we all have to work, but if you do have things taking up energy that you can cut out, i recommend working towards cutting it - try to not put as much pressure on yourself. you cant run a marathon if you havent started small. sometimes i just try to draw something on a post it note daily - (my favorite) write down the basic thoughts during the day, expand them when you have time. i have a note on my phone full of random thoughts and words and when im feeling stuck, ill go through and pick out the easiest to start working on. for example, i have ā€œhandsawā€ directly above ā€œthe pornification of violenceā€ obv the second is a much more intense and ā€œworthwhileā€ as a concept, but it is easier to doodle whatever ā€œhandsawā€ means. its also so fun to have a huge list of the batshit looney things that have crossed my brain, because when i feel empty and heavy i can look at it and remember that i do have creative ideas. - give yourself grace. being a creative is exhausting. its okay to feel utterly overwhelmed by life and the pressure to create. our bodies tell us what we need, and if you need a nap, honor how you feel and spend some time resting <3
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