OKAY listen it’s expensive but if it’s a lifelong issue I recommend this I have PCOS and have been dealing with insane hormonal acne and welts all my life it’s finally GONE (I get an occasional blemish but it’s p chill) Linking to a review that explains it all and has my before and after again EXPENSIVE but ultimately was worth it for me in terms of self esteem + the money I would have endlessly wasted on things that didn’t work BUT on a topical note -Murad deep relief acne treatment -panoxyl face wash -an led acne patch (rikilovesriki has one and so does LAB beauty)
Apr 13, 2024

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Ugh, I’ve got some really expensive/intensive ideas (sorry)🫠 : lasers + isotretinoin. but essentially anything with vitamin A (like a retinol) helps! it doesn’t treat the hormones, tbh, but it reduces the pores oil glands. Also sulfur face washes really help calm down my breakouts. Really wish I’d known sooner. Good luck! Acne sucks
recommendation image
DIM (linked) This vitamin is technically for people experiencing menopause but it helped me so so much with my hormonal acne. also, as gimmicky as it looks/sounds, curology is the ONLY topical treatment that helped my hormonal acne without making me purge a bunch… If you’re able to, get Blood work done! this will help you determine any other underlying issues that may be contributing. Drinking hot water + lemon + turmeric + pepper +chia seeds every morning is a godsend. i don’t even really break out now during my period??? good luck! adult onset acne is a bitch truly, and I hope you find something that works for you <3
Apr 12, 2024
Both are P affordable and they have a bunch of good options If you also break out than Panoxyl is good
Feb 9, 2024

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