ITS WARM NOW AND THE SUN IS OUT AND THE ALBUM IS BLASTING. Its a 10/10 in my heart. Ps. MGMT & Vamp weekend?? is 2024 the year of the millenial?
Apr 14, 2024

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The new vampire weekend singles go stupid. its like a return to form. Gloomy, 80’s NYC vibe and sick guitar and drum tones with some baroque arrangements and weird effects
Feb 16, 2024
Vampire Weekend is the best band of all time. I exclusively listen to Edith Piaf, the Newsies Soundtrack, and Vampire Weekend. But mostly Vampire Weekend. I play that shit on repeat all day long. I wake up and listen to “Horchata” for about an hour, then I move on to the song “Step” and then for the rest of the day, walking around New York, I listen to their album “Father of the Bride.” I fell in love for the first time to the sounds of Vampire Weekend, and so I just don’t see the point in listening to anything else. I’ve never had sex to Vampire Weekend but my next boyfriend will love doing that, I just know it. VW’s music lifts me up and shoves me down and makes me nostalgic for things I have and haven’t had. Their music works well in every country. I feel like life is big and beautiful and that I’m absolutely unstoppable when “I Stand Corrected” is blasting. People like to say I have terrible taste in music but I disagree. Also, there is nothing ironic about my praise here. I love Vampire Weekend. I hope one day I become semi-famous so that they will have no choice but to play at my wedding.
Sep 21, 2021
You know what they are good mood music and this album either slaps or I’m reaching the age of nostalgia either way 🤷‍♀️
Apr 13, 2024

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Sometimes I just really like a tune this is not a weird thing it’s a cool thing.
Feb 1, 2024
oh boy this one is gonna be controversial. first off to be transparent I am a huge nerd and train models for a living. that being said, I was a huge ai hater for a long time and never used it in anything I did. Then, I started using it a bit for coding, then for research (tool use ftw), then for a whole bunch of simple tasks I wanted to automate but couldn’t w pure code (either due to needing unpredictable input or needing buttons pushed). Is it super useful, not yet. Should we replace people with it, obviously not. But like dude. You can TALK to your computer in ENGLISH (or french, arabic, japanese, etc.) and it will understand you and respond. I think the like crazy shift in human - computer interaction here is kinda slept on ngl, I fw this heavy now.
Feb 24, 2025
This is such a sick feature thank you for dropping peak tyler
Feb 11, 2025