My friendly local (Berlin) wine shop that also ships all over Europe. I legit thought natty wine was basically a scam until these fine people introduced me to some absolute banger bottles and now I give them all my money.
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Apr 15, 2024

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I mean, the romanticism of finding a wine made in New York by a French woman (pascaline) in champagne, I couldn’t resist. for all the warning by the somm about how this was ”really natural,” I thought it was refined, bright, and intriguing in the way that most wines made by interesting people are. I think I remember it tasting like raspberries, pink lady apples, lemon, and basil. Tart, a bit yeasty and wild, floral and aromatic, yet still deeply serious and delicious. Chepika Wines (Finger Lakes, NY) Nathan Kendall and Pascaline Lepeltier 2019 - 100% Catawba
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Okay I had to. I turned my Natural Wine Events biz into a wine club, and I’m very excited about it. It’s called The Six Seasons Wine Club. You get wine from my favorite winemakers around the world and we talk about the lessons of each season. There are medicinal recipes to help you stay balanced, and I want to start doing some workshops. My events were always festive but discreetly educational. It’s been rewarding to push myself to share more of what I’ve learned over my 10 years in the wine biz and get over my imposter syndrome.
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