ins: cute swimwear / better sunscreen game / organized room / glow up / longer hair (?) / summer playlist / even better music taste / a tan / photosynthesizing / summer coords / main character development / appreciating life more / actually watching my watchlist and reading my tbr / write write write / a dedicated summer ‘24 album in my gallery outs: rotting in bed too much / toxic friends / bad influences / pessimism / giving a shit about the wrong people / ending the season without playing my favourite summer songs
Apr 17, 2024

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Ins: spending my mornings outside, cute heels, short skirts, loads of sunscreen, fruits, fun martinis, sun bathing, tennis, more reading, more writing, baby tees, healthy hair care, fragrance free body care (scared of bugs lol), yoga outside, linen bedding, more posters, fun prints on dresses Outs: couch potato, mind rot scrolling, blank walls, not wearing any colour, not letting my skincare sink in before i go to bed,
Apr 20, 2024
in * being friends w me * building community * giving yourself & others grace and understanding * reading more books * drinking 2-3 glasses of wine and chit chatting * drinking coffee at cute lil cafes and chit chatting * laying down as often as possible * going clubbing (maybe) * being my friend out * being “too cool” * caring what others think about us (save for constructive, good faith feedback) * taking shots * yachts / PJs / opulence / billionaires * not being my friend rec some of your ins/outs this summer ☀️
IN: casual hangouts with friends, lying down, gold shimmery sun screen oil, carrying 4 pairs of sunglasses around, tomatoes, playing a sport in the park, Tinariwen, sunbathing in the garden, reading in a hammock, trainers, wearing bikinis out and about, international lovers, taking annual leave OUT: takeaways, being scared of bugs, SAD lamp, caffeine, flip flops, reading emails, sending emails, addictive phone games
Apr 20, 2024

Top Recs from @allaboutdomi

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a manga (comics or graphic novels originating from japan) written by kanehito yamada and illustrated by tsukasa abe that was recently adapted into a 28 episode tv series. it is a love letter to the genre, its take on fantasy a breath of fresh air in the oversaturated isekai market of japan and the grim tales of the west due to its focus on slice of life. unlike the usual plot where we follow a hero’s party on their journey, frieren starts off with the elven mage and her companions returning to the capital after defeating the demon king. years of mindlessness traveling pass and she embarks on another adventure to reach the resting place of souls in order to reunite with her former comrade himmel. I can’t recommend this series enough ^^ it’s still ongoing so you’ll have a lot of content to keep yourself busy with!!
Apr 18, 2024