In the grim club loos, I met two much younger boys who asked if I was enjoying the show. I said it was my favourite DJ but I had no way of seeing him from the far back of the crowd (I am a small woman). Suddenly, each boy took me by one of my arms, flanked either side, and then forcefully parted the sea of 500 aggressive youths (Moses style) in order to get me to the front of my favourite DJ’s set. Once they had deposited me directly in front of the DJ, they disappeared anonymously and wordlessly back into the crowd.
Apr 17, 2024

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1.. was having so much fun was not aware of celebs around 2… i think i saw someone that people have cancelled and i used to have a crush on but also my other friend he told me “ you like bad boys” 3… cobra snake was there 4…. i was sad about not getting charli xcx tickets for any of her tours and she shows up 5… mutual friend mutual knows the person posted on charlis story saw his ex … i met his ex later on 6… keep getting told i should act or model 7… the only time i was at le bain i got refused entrance (for my youth i bet but i literally am over 21) and they let my friend in but we both left that time and went to monkey something around the corner 8… i was the first person in line and felt crazy there was no one but then it was so sweaty and gross .. city is getting warmer but the club was not air conditioned 9… crossing my fingers this event is not the last of its kind
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Top Recs from @sheriff

1) Express: All the pain you feel, let it out - cry, scream, punch, shake your body - it is all energy which needs to be released from the body and will help your healing 2) Process: If you are no contact with your ex, write down in a letter (with a pen on paper, not a keyboard) everything you wish you could say to your ex. Then, once it’s all out - destroy it. 3) New: Remove familiar things of your relationship out of your home. Rearrange the furniture in your bedroom and buy some inexpensive home furnishings to change the aesthetic of the room. Start a new hobby, visit new places and start listening to new music you haven’t tried before. 4) Play: Don‘t avoid pain but do distract from it sometimes - be around funny and pretty places people and things (these things were joyful regardless of your ex and they will be joyful again for you soon)
Apr 17, 2024