i wish we could meet irl and distract from our broken hearts a little bit by doing things together and hug. im experiencing the same thing rn (devastating and out of the blue) and it helps me write down everything, every thought, word, idea, emotion that i feel i need to write it down. i’ve seen my friends every day, i’ve watched movies, i’ve read a lot. i know it feels like it’s not going to get better but i promise it will. is reminding yourself that everything passes, let all the emotions pass through you. it’s reminding yourself that -new and goods things are coming to you- though i know it’s really hard and painful to think abt yourself in a future where that person is no longer there. :-( i understand how painful time passes, how painful it is to think about that person and all the attached memories, but it’s time to think about all the new memories YOU are going to create, that life is painful but not that much, it’s time to cry it all, and to get things done. little by little, days pass and the pain will start to fade away, sometimes you’ll be alright, sometimes you won’t, but is all part of the process. i’m sorry you are experiencing that horrible thing called heartbreak, i hug u wherever you are. 🫂
Apr 18, 2024

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As someone who is maybe 2ish connections removed from the situation Im assuming you may be referring to… I am so deeply sorry 💔 hope you know that there are many strangers out there who are rooting for you and think you deserve to be happy and treated well, despite being strangers … As someone who has been through a lot of heartbreak, the advice already given in previous comments is really great . I think in my experience, having 1 or 2 friends that you know really love you and get you, that you can spend time with even if you are really sad and not contributing much, was helpful. If you feel the need to talk about your feelings try to keep it to those people, or a journal. Once you start to feel a little better going out with more people and being more social can really help remind you of what is valuable about YOU.. what YOU enjoy and bring to the world.. Above all it helped me to remind myself that life is going to go on. You will move on, no matter how long it might take. It might feel like the worst thing in the world but i promise you will get through it. It’s just a matter of time :) be kind to yourself while time passes. I cant emphasize enough how deeply I have felt so heartbroken I thought I couldnt go on. Multiple times. Yet here I am.. and you will be okay too ❤️
Mar 3, 2024
my love and I parted ways a few months ago after our 5th anniversary. has truly been the hardest period of my entire life to slowly pick up the pieces and move on, a process that is nowhere near over even as much as I want it to be. my biggest piece of advice is to surrender to the pain. don’t let yourself be drawn into anger and hatred, just let the crumbling happen. let the tears flow! talk to your friends about it over and over again. sit in silence with the people you love. fall asleep on the couch once in a while. don’t bother with “why” — it’s a useless question, trust me.
Feb 20, 2025
recommendation image
Live with heartbreak for a while. It‘ll be different but the same. You’ll forget why and then remember and feel it all over again. Delete their pictures but keep them in a secret folder on your phone so you can cry by yourself watching their face smile at you. Re-learn old habits you’ve forgotten you even enjoyed because you strayed so far away from who you once were. In some odd way you’ll have to re-learn happiness, too. Well, not so much re-learning it but changing its meaning, find new ways to feel fulfilled, the same way you once felt with them. Make some more lame playlists with oddly specific titles so you at least feel like you’re making something out of all the quiet pain you feel inside. And wonder. A lot of wondering. All the time. Everywhere. In your house. At your job. Inside your body and next to you in the bed you once woke beside them, smiling. And you’ll never forget, but it will get painfully easier.

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