Helps me process, remember, clarify, detangle, be human.
I’m also grateful for the record of my (inner) life that those journals provide. I rarely go back to them and re-read, but maybe someday.
this is only a habit i have picked up in the last year, but it has made a world of difference. i will write about things that i am thinking about or stuff i need to do or just chronicle my day. i just find it very grounding or like a reset to my thought processes.
i only journal when i feel like i actually need to - if i had a good day that i want to remember the details of, or if i'm having a hard time emotionally and need to vent my feelings. i don't force myself or set a routine in order to avoid autopilot mode.
once i started thinking of journalling like that as opposed to a habit i needed to keep up with, i actually started doing it more frequently!! made me really take notice of what i'd like to write about/remember in my days!!