as a professional concert visiter myself i would say go alone, goingn to concerts alone can actually be better or atleast more comfortavle sometimes + if its an artist u really really like youll enjoy it no matter what! if there’s a balcony in the concert room go there! people are t so pushy there and if you want to make new friends the balcony is a good place too but it’s also chill to just stand there alone
Apr 24, 2024

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I started going to shows alone when I was in college for the same reason. Friends don’t always have the same taste as you, sometimes you‘re the only one in town, etc. I’m a pretty introverted person, but I’ve always been a believer in the idea that going alone and not having a good time is still better than not going and regretting it. It‘s more likely though that you’ll have an awesome time! The cool thing about going to a concert alone is that you have something in common with everyone in attendance (you‘re into the same artist and you’re in the same city). One of my closest friends is someone I met at a concert I went to alone. We just started talking in line before the doors opened. If you start feeling super awkward, just get there early and talk to people. If that’s not your vibe, just hang out and dance and sing to an artist you like. It’s very freeing and fun and low stakes bc you don’t know anyone there.
Oct 19, 2024
recommendation image
just saw someone recommend going to the cinema alone but going to concerts alone is the real boss move and way more fun. it’s a nice way to make new friends and also just chit chat with other people who have the same interest as you even if you may never see them again. bonus: way easier to get to the front of the standing area when you don’t have to drag a friend with you ! i’ve done this a couple times i hope to do it again when my anxiety isn’t as crippling another recommendation in the same vein: going to concerts of artists you don’t know or barely know their music! went to ethel cain by myself and had barely listened to her music now she’s one of my favourite artists and i’m so glad i went
Apr 3, 2024
I loveeee doing this you can just focus on the music and why you’re there to begin with and sometimes you even make new friends with similar interests (the artists!) and I love how music brings people together I love concerts
Jun 18, 2024