- lions and tigers roaming the streets and nobody notices or cares but me
- I’m at a zoo combination aquarium combination museum at night and the animals get loose
- desolate rundown street usually in Mexico. This actually just symbolizes my hometown probably
- giant mall
- Kohl’s style low-midrange department store
- used to be labyrinthine school building but now it’s a labyrinthine yuppie apartment building because I live in one
- house that I inherited from my grandparents and I discover a secret basement with a ton of different rooms where nothing has been touched for 50 years and is covered in dust but the bathroom is perfectly clean. in the most recent one of these I dreamed it was actually a nice normal split level house and I walked through it turning off all of the lights before going to bed
- disturbing extreme violence or paranormal happenings. For example a couple of nights ago I dreamt that i heard the front door to my apartment open, heard footsteps coming to my bedroom, and saw a figure slowly walking towards me in the dark. I couldn’t make out its face but I could feel that it was staring at me and smiling. It climbed on top of me, straddling me, and I couldn’t move or call out for help. I could see in a sliver of moonlight coming through the window that it had long blonde hair covering its face. I was able to grab its wrist which was so skinny and pale…