Why are u writing? To know urself, to sort through ur thoughts, ideas and feelings? To be a better writer? I think knowing the ‘why’ can point u in a direction for the ‘how’ and ‘what’ to write about.  I handwrite in a journal, black fine liner so I commit to my words and can’t erase. I’m not afraid to rip pages, sometimes I colour and draw in it cuz that’s expression too. I do not censor myself but try to get at what I’m really feeling. As true as true statements as I can make them, trying to be as clear as possible. I do not edit and wont let anybody ever see it - this keeps it sacred and honest. You’ll know when u write out something true and important cuz you’ll feel it. The suggestion to write out the surface happenings to get at the insightful ones is a good one.  Routine is key like building any habit…though I journal whenever I want to cuz I love it, not as something to check off a list. That’s the real reason I’ve been doing it as long as I have and as consistently.  Best of luck to u ❤️
Apr 27, 2024

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is whatever works for you. i used to feel daunted by journaling, until i listened to a "psychology of your 20s" podcast episode about it. here are some notes i took (with my personal takeaways mixed in) • journaling doesn’t need to be "good." it doesn’t need to look nice. it’s strictly for you. no mistakes, no bad entries—except for ones that weren’t written—no wrong thoughts, no assignment grade. it’s a self-care, self-love practice. one of the only times that everything gets to be about you, and you get to do it in the way that works best, as long as you’re doing it. • write about something going on in your brain. journaling is organizing, cleaning things up, making sense of things you can’t work out just by thinking about them over and over again. try to think about them in a way you normally wouldn’t, by writing about them. not looking for a solution or answer, but just to process what you’ve been through. • write 1-2 pages, even less than 500 words. small investment, can take as little as 5 minutes. • only journal when you really feel the need. making it a goal to journal everyday takes the fun out of it. journaling should be something relieving, joyous. it can be one line, something you thought about, something you heard. what is really important to you? • journaling = life course correction, not an intense commitment/practice. like a painkiller. you take it when you need it. when you feel the urge to write, just do it. drop everything. put the thoughts begging to come out down somewhere. don’t ignore inspiration when it randomly strikes. that desire isn’t something you can consciously call on. take advantage of the moments, even if just a second, even in the notes app. get in the habit of letting it be expressed. • find a way to journal in a manner that suits you. find your reason. snapshot for future self? • let someone else do the initial thinking for you. journal prompts, structured journal, online inspiration, write one prompt a week in the afternoon • write quickly and without judgment. not worried about exactly how you wanted to say it, word it, doesn’t matter. there's no audience or grade. journal "badly" = more in-tune with self. journaling helps you remember who you are from the inside out at the time of writing. • if you feel like you don’t know yourself, keep one notebook you put everything in: thoughts, quotes you like, postcards, to-do lists, diary entries, favorite songs, letters, dried flowers, brain dumps, gratitude lists, sticky notes, pictures hope this helps some people get started !
Nov 8, 2024
if don’t know what to write I will just locate myself with extreme specificity and then describe my bodily and emotional sensations. usually that is enough to get me going I journal once a week for a specific purpose and have that as part of my routine/to-do list for that day. i highly recommend journaling by hand and with a really good pen
Apr 27, 2024
I journal nearly every day and it has changed my life. I feel like I know myself much more deeply and remember things better because of it. Sometimes I write many pages and other times just a few sentences. I like how it can be as silly or serious as I want and I like how it’s only for me.
Feb 7, 2024

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