It’s like tuna but better for you and the environment! Low mercury, high protein, high omega-3, 70% DV of Vit D! it’s basically a meal, it’s like $3/tin (don’t get a cool brand just get classic sustainably caught like Wild Planet brand).
I‘m so happy the tinned fish trend shows no signs of stopping because it’s a a fun way to try more seafood and you get your omega-3s in. But tuna is still my favorite despite the mercury risks. I like the Callipo brand but anything packed in oil and not Bumble Bee is fine. I put it on everything- pasta, salads, toast. I used to think I didn’t like tuna but it turns out I didn’t like mayonnaise! Try it!
sitting back on a couch with your cat on your tummy sitting like a little sphinx and you’re scratching their little cheeks and slow blinking at each other
App where you can enter in your own recipes or put in a webpage link and it cleans it up visually for you and you can increase or decrease servings per recipe and it automatically adjusts it all for you :)